Unity 2022 by Example

Unity 2022 by Example

eBook Details:

  • Paperback: 596 pages
  • Publisher: WOW! eBook (June 7, 2024)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1803234598
  • ISBN-13: 978-1803234595

eBook Description:

Unity 2022 by Example: A project-based guide to building 2D and 3D games, enhanced for AR, VR, and MR experiences. Start building commercial and playable games such as 2D collection and adventure games, 3D FPS game in Unity with C#, and add AR/VR/MR experiences to them with this illustrated guide.

Unity 2022 by Example is a complete introduction to building games in Unity following a project-based approach. You’ll be introduced to the Unity game engine and the tools available for building and customizing a game exactly the way you want it, while maintaining a good code foundation to build upon.

Once you get to grips with the fundamentals of Unity game development, you’ll start creating a 2D collection game and an adventure game, followed by a 3D first person shooter game. Next, you’ll explore advanced topics, such as using machine learning to create AI-based enemy behavior, virtual reality for extending the first-person game, and augmented reality for developing a farming simulation game in a real-world setting. The book will help you gain hands-on knowledge of these topics as you build projects using the latest game tool kits. You’ll also learn how to commercialize your game by publishing it to a distribution platform and maintain and support it throughout its lifespan. As you progress, you’ll gain real-world knowledge and experience by taking your games from conceptual design to completion.

  • Build game environments and design levels, and implement game mechanics using Unity’s features
  • Explore 3D game creation, focusing on gameplay mechanics and player animation
  • Develop customizable game systems using object-oriented architecture
  • Build an MR experience using the XR Interaction Toolkit while learning how to merge virtual and real-world elements
  • Get up to speed with advanced AI interactions using sensors and Unity’s machine learning toolkit, ML-Agents
  • Implement dynamic content in games using Unity LiveOps services like Remote Config

By the end of this Unity 2022 by Example book, you’ll have strong foundational knowledge of how to structure a Unity project that is both maintainable and extensible for commercially released games.

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