PHP Master: Write Cutting Edge Code

eBook Details:

  • Paperback: 400 pages
  • Publisher: WOW! eBook (November 1, 2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0987090879
  • ISBN-13: 978-0987090874

eBook Description:

PHP Master: Write Cutting Edge Code

PHP Master: Write Cutting Edge Code is tailor-made for the PHP developer who’s serious about taking their server-side applications to the next level and who wants to really keep ahead of the game by adhering to best practice, employing the most effective object-oriented programming techniques, wrapping projects in layers of security and ensuring their code is doing its job perfectly.

  • Create professional, dynamic applications according to an object-oriented programming blueprint
  • Learn advanced performance evaluation techniques for maximum site efficiency
  • Brush up on the best testing methods to refine your code and keep your applications watertight
  • Protect your site against attacks and vulnerabilities with the latest security systems
  • Plug in to some serious functionality with PHP’s APIs and libraries

PHP Master: Write Cutting Edge Code

PHP Master: Write Cutting Edge Code is tailor-made for the PHP developer who’s serious about taking their server-side applications to the next level and who wants to really keep ahead of the game by adhering to best practice, employing the most effective object-oriented programming techniques, wrapping projects in layers of security and ensuring their code is doing its job perfectly.

PHP Master: Write Cutting Edge Code is tailor-made for the PHP developer who’s serious about taking their server-side applications to the next level and who wants to really keep ahead of the game by adhering to best practice, employing the most effective object-oriented programming techniques, wrapping projects in layers of security and ensuring their code is doing its job perfectly.

About the Author

Davey Shafik

Davey Shafik is a full time PHP Developer with many year of experience in PHP and related technologies. An avid magazine writer and book author, Davey keeps his mind sharp by trying to tackle problems from a unique perspective.

Lorna Mitchell

Lorna Mitchell is a freelance web development consultant and developer based in Leeds, UK. Lorna is a lead on the Joind.In open source project, an organizer of the PHPNW conference, and a prolific blogger.

Matthew Turland

Matthew Turland has been working with PHP since 2002. He has been a technical editor for php|architect Magazine, spoken at multiple conferences, served as an instructor for php|architect training courses, and contributed to Zend Framework. He currently works for Synacor.

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