Building Real-Time Analytics Systems

Building Real-Time Analytics Systems: From Events to Insights with Apache Kafka and Apache Pinot

eBook Details:

  • Paperback: 218 pages
  • Publisher: WOW! eBook (October 24, 2023)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1098138791
  • ISBN-13: 978-1098138790

eBook Description:

Building Real-Time Analytics Systems: From Events to Insights with Apache Kafka and Apache Pinot

Gain deep insight into real-time analytics, including the features of these systems and the problems they solve. With this Building Real-Time Analytics Systems practical book, data engineers at organizations that use event-processing systems such as Kafka, Google Pub/Sub, and AWS Kinesis will learn how to analyze data streams in real time. The faster you derive insights, the quicker you can spot changes in your business and act accordingly.

  • Learn common architectures for real-time analytics
  • Discover how event processing differs from real-time analytics
  • Ingest event data from Apache Kafka into Apache Pinot
  • Combine event streams with OLTP data using Debezium and Kafka Streams
  • Write real-time queries against event data stored in Apache Pinot
  • Build a real-time dashboard and order tracking app
  • Learn how Uber, Stripe, and Just Eat use real-time analytics

Author Mark Needham from StarTree provides an overview of the real-time analytics space and an understanding of what goes into building real-time applications. The book’s second part offers a series of hands-on tutorials that show you how to combine multiple software products to build real-time analytics applications for an imaginary pizza delivery service.


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