Absolute C++, 5th Edition

eBook Details:

  • Paperback: 984 pages
  • Publisher: WOW! eBook; 5th edition (March 19, 2012)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 013283071X
  • ISBN-13: 978-0132830713

eBook Description:

Absolute C++, 5th Edition

Praised for providing an engaging balance of thoughtful examples and explanatory discussion, best-selling author Walt Savitch and contributor Kenrick Mock explain concepts and techniques in a straightforward style using understandable language and code enhanced by a suite of pedagogical tools. Absolute C++, 5th Edition is appropriate for both introductory and intermediate programming courses introducing C++.

Praised for providing an engaging balance of thoughtful examples and explanatory discussion, best-selling author Walt Savitch and contributor Kenrick Mock explain concepts and techniques in a straightforward style using understandable language and code enhanced by a suite of pedagogical tools. Absolute C++, 5th Edition is appropriate for both introductory and intermediate programming courses introducing C++.

Praised for providing an engaging balance of thoughtful examples and explanatory discussion, best-selling author Walt Savitch and contributor Kenrick Mock explain concepts and techniques in a straightforward style using understandable language and code enhanced by a suite of pedagogical tools. Absolute C++, 5th Edition is appropriate for both introductory and intermediate programming courses introducing C++.

Praised for providing an engaging balance of thoughtful examples and explanatory discussion, best-selling author Walt Savitch and contributor Kenrick Mock explain concepts and techniques in a straightforward style using understandable language and code enhanced by a suite of pedagogical tools. Absolute C++, 5th Edition is appropriate for both introductory and intermediate programming courses introducing C++.


  • flexible topic presentation allows instructors to accommodate the structure of their course without losing any essential material. Each chapter’s introduction explains which topics must already have been presented before each section of the chapter can be addressed.
  • Extensive coverage of inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation as realized in the C++ programming language.
  • Enhanced STL coverage within a general template chapter, a dedicated STL chapter, and throughout relevant sections of the text.
  • Introduces advanced C++ topics, including virtual functions, templates, and exceptions.
  • The Fourth Edition is fully compatible with the latest ANSI/ISO C++ standards.
  • Extensive pedagogy helps students grasp the concepts of C++:
    • Summary boxes provide brief synopses of major points in each chapter to reinforce core concepts.
    • Self-test exercises and answers offer opportunities to assess mastery of key topics, and readers can check their answers at the end of the chapter.
    • Abundant code displays coincide with informal comments that explain potentially confusing or difficult portions of the code.
    • Tips instruct readers on best programming practices, why they are recommended, and how to execute them effectively.
    • Pitfalls warn readers about common mistakes and how to avoid them.
    • Examples feature a complete program that solves a specific problem, with an extended code display highlighting the useful features of C++.
    • Chapter summaries provide concise overviews of each chapter’s fundamental concepts.
    • Programming projects challenge readers to design and implement a C++ program to solve a problem. Solutions to the programming projects are available for instructors.
  • Student support material available on the Companion Website includes self-check quizzes, source code, PowerPoint® slides, and VideoNotes. VideoNotes are step-by-step video tutorials that bring programming concepts to life and allow beginning students to see first-hand how experienced programmers solve problems. Please visit us at www.pearsoninternationaleditions.com more information.

For undergraduate students in Computer Science and Computer Programming courses.

Praised for providing an engaging balance of thoughtful examples and explanatory discussion, best-selling author Walt Savitch and contributor Kenrick Mock explain concepts and techniques in a straightforward style using understandable language and code enhanced by a suite of pedagogical tools. Absolute C++, 5th Edition is appropriate for both introductory and intermediate programming courses introducing C++.

MyProgrammingLab, WOW! eBook’s online homework and assessment tool, is available with this edition.

For undergraduate students in Computer Science and Computer Programming courses.

Praised for providing an engaging balance of thoughtful examples and explanatory discussion, best-selling author Walt Savitch and contributor Kenrick Mock explain concepts and techniques in a straightforward style using understandable language and code enhanced by a suite of pedagogical tools. Absolute C++, 5th Edition is appropriate for both introductory and intermediate programming courses introducing C++.

MyProgrammingLab, WOW! eBook’s online homework and assessment tool, is available with this edition.

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