Monthly Archive: June 2018

Learning Regular Expressions 0

Learning Regular Expressions

eBook Details: Paperback: 144 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook; 1st edition (May 25, 2018) Language: English ISBN-10: 0134757068 ISBN-13: 978-0134757063 eBook Description: Learning Regular Expressions: Learn to use one of the most powerful text processing and manipulation tools available: Covers regex with grep, JavaScript, C#, .NET, Visual Studio, MySQL, Perl, PHP, and Java

React 16 Tooling 0

React 16 Tooling

eBook Details: Paperback: 298 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (April 27, 2018) Language: English ISBN-10: 1788835018 ISBN-13: 978-1788835015 eBook Description: React 16 Tooling: React 16 Tooling covers the most important tools, utilities, and libraries that every React developer needs to know – in detail